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How Long Does a Pocket Lighter Last Before It Needs to Be Refilled?

Update:28 Jul,2023
Summary:Keeping your lighter fueled and maintained in the right way will make it work harder and last longer...
Keeping your lighter fueled and maintained in the right way will make it work harder and last longer. It's easy to do, and it doesn't take up much of your time.

How to Refill a Butane Lighter
If you're ready to refill your butane lighter, you can start by holding the can of butane upside down with the nozzle in place. Butane is heavier than the propellant that's inside the can, so the can should be positioned with the nozzle closest to the fuel nozzle as you prepare to insert it into the valve on your lighter.
Once you have inserted the nozzle into your lighter, flip it upside down again so that the nozzle is now in the refill hole. You can then hold the butane nozzle in place while you push the applicator through the hole in your lighter to release any air that may be trapped.

Refilling Your Disposable Bic Lighter
Unlike other types of disposable lighters, the Bic lighter is designed to be refilled with butane and can be refilled without having to throw it away or purchase a new one. Butane canisters are available at most home improvement stores or at online retailers.
Most butane lighters have a refill lever or nipple. These are usually shaped like a small hole with a circular valve inside. If you don't have a screwdriver, you can use a pen or paperclip to push down the valve and release any remaining air in your lighter.